Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's day

Saturday we took flowers to Mom and Grandma Sours grave for Mother's Day. It was a beautiful sunny day for a visit to their grave site to pay our respects. We thought it would be nice to take a couple pictures and post them here in case any family might want to see them. It doesn't seem like it's been almost three years since Mom's passing. We sure miss Mom & Dad.

Sunday, Melissa and I made dinner. We BBQ'd chicken and salmon and had Lisa's Mom and Dad over to join us. It was a pretty relaxing day and a great dinner, if I do say so myself.


Anonymous said...

Steve and Lisa....GREAT pics on your website...or is it called a "blog"??? I have started to read through Dad's journals again and it brings back a flood of memories. It is 1980 and apparently Steve had just gotten his license...Dad mentions how regular Steve was in going to seminary....well DUH...he gets to drive! He sure loved his family and says it quite a lot in his journal.


Anonymous said...

...oh, and I REALLY appreciate the attention you and your family give to Mom and Dad's grave. When I went there on Memorial Day weekend to put a flag on it, your flowers were still there. It made me feel happy that they haven't been forgotten like that!

Zola said...

The graves look so nice. We are so glad you are there and appreciate the attention you give them. Thank you!
Marie & Rick